Use of fadein and fadeOut on click() with jQuery


Viewed 69 times


I wanted to make a certain element disappear with the fadeOut() command when clicking on a button, and when clicking again, it appeared with fadein(). I tried to do something like:

    if ($('').fadeOut() === true){
    } else {

However, the logic or some command sequence is wrong. Can anyone help me? Ps: I would like something similar to swap and unlock the color of an element using the same logic when I click.

1 answer


You need to have a control variable to know if the element is visible or not. The method fadeOut() does not return a boolean as you expect, it just hides the element.

let estaVisivel = true; // No começo, ele está visível
$("button").click(function() {  // A cada clique, faz um fadeOut ou fadeIn
  if (estaVisivel) {
  	$('p').fadeOut();   // Se estiver visível, fadeOut
  } else {
  	$('p').fadeIn();    // Senão, fadeIn
  estaVisivel = !estaVisivel; // estaVisivel passará a ter o valor contrário (se era true, será false, se era false, será true)


  • Oh yes, now I understand. Thank you so much for your help! I will apply the solution.

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