What is the difference between using appendchild and insertAdjacentHTML?


Viewed 328 times


In a code from which I will have to add an element within a DIV. What’s the difference between first creating the element and adding it to div through the appendchild and doing DIV.insertAdjacentHTML('html correspondente ao elemento')?

1 answer


appendChild inserts a html element to the gift, at the end of the list of children, so you need to create an element:

let aBlock = document.createElement('block').appendChild( document.createElement('b') );

insertAdjacentHTML receives an html or xml string, that is, it parses an object, and place it in a specific position, which may be beforebegin, afterbegin, beforeend or afterend:

var d1 = document.getElementById('one');
d1.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<div id="two">two</div>');

Both examples taken from the Mozilla documentation:



In short, appendChild adds an element at the end of the child list, insertAdjacentHTML converts a string and inserts to a specific position.

Here an example:

document.getElementById("bt").addEventListener('click', function() { 
   // appendChild
   let l1 = document.createElement('li');
   l1.innerHTML = "appendChild";

   // insertAdjacentHTML
   document.getElementById('ul2').insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", "<li>insertAdjacentHTML</li>");
<span>Lista 1:</span>
<ul id="ul1">

<span>Lista 2:</span>
<ul id="ul2">

<button id="bt">Testar</button>

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