How to add "android-support-v13.jar" to my project?


Viewed 442 times


I’m following the book "Android Application Development for Dummies" and arrived in a part of the book where it says the following: Copy the android-support-v13.jar file to your project’s libs folder.

I did just that. I found the file in the SDK folder. I copied to the libs directory where my project is, and performed a cleaning in the same (clean), by eclipse. However, it is not detecting "android-support-v13.jar" in the "Android Dependences" folder, as the book says.

This is really the right way to "import" support v13 for my eclipse project?

2 answers


You have to reference the imported library on

In a Helloworld, he’d be like this:


In your case, I’d leave her that way:

target=<sua versão>
<bibliotecas já importadas>
  • I did what you said, but Eclipse still didn’t recognize the v13 library. Looks like this in my ==== target=android-19 android.library.Reference. 1=.. /appcompat_v7 // android.library.Reference. n+1=.. /android-support-v13 ==== Would that be so? I have also performed the cleaning(clean), after the procedure and nothing.

  • The n+1 is a mathematical expression, not to be typed exactly n+1, but yes the next number in the references. If your project has 4 references, then the correct line would be android.library.reference.5=../android-support-v13


Well, assuming you’re Android Studio: Go to File, then click Project Structure. Inside Modules, go to app and then dependencies. In the upper right corner there is a button with sign (+), click on it and then on 'File Dependency'. Ready, now just add the lib "android-support-v13.jar".

  • Thanks for your help, but I’m using Eclipse. You have suggestions on how I can solve this problem there?

  • Sorry @Stokes, I have no idea, it’s been a long time since I used Eclipse. Att

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