How to generate an executable with all my project files?


Viewed 415 times


I need private data that is stored inside a binary file within the user’s own computer and for that, I want to compile all the files along with the source code within an executable. How do I do this in Python?

I want to turn the entire folder of my project into an executable with all the files that bind the data and the source code in the same folder of my project. Inside my project folder there are files .py, .bin, .dat, .txt and I don’t want these files to be outside the executable.

I’d like everything to stay together in one file .exe. It is possible to do this ?

1 answer


Yes, it is possible!

You will need the following program (Auto Py to Exe):

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The rest is very intuitive, just mark the options and if necessary, include libraries.

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