How to open an HTML document from fetch in the same tab?


Viewed 138 times


I’m creating a riddle site in which each riddle, the user must insert an answer on prompt and this reply will be sent to the server by POST request with the function fetch.

On the server side, the answer will be checked and if it is correct, I return a new HTML page containing a new puzzle. If the user’s response is wrong, the server returns the 403 code to say it was a wrong answer.

Already on the client side, I want to check whether the answer was right or wrong. If the answer is incorrect will be issued a alert and if the answer is right, I want the browser to render the new page sent by the server.

The problem is that I don’t know how to redirect the client to that page the server sent.

What I was doing before was writing the received text with the document.write, but there comes a time when it doesn’t work because the contents of the files accumulate on the page.

function sendAnswer(){

    const answer = prompt("Digite sua resposta:").toLowerCase();

    fetch("/", {
        method: "post",
        headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
        body: JSON.stringify({answer: answer, fase: sessionStorage.fase})


        if (response.status != 200){
            alert("Resposta Errada!");


What I want is to change the content of the page completely by the HTML file received from the server. How can I do this ?

  • The HTML the server returns contains a <head> (is a complete document)? Or is it just an excerpt from HTML? On the page the user submits the answer, you have any div which can be used to insert the server answered HTML? Or you really want to exchange the whole page content?

  • It’s a complete document. I’d like to exchange all the content of the page as if I were doing a redirect with the location.

1 answer


By this stretch:

What I was doing before was writing the received text with the document.write, but there comes a time when it doesn’t work because the contents of the files accumulate on the page.

I believe you were able to exchange the content of the page for the response of the asynchronous request. Your problem then should be how to clean the document before executing another document.write. In this case, just use before the document.write, the method, that removes all DOM nodes present in the document.

Something like that:

response.text().then(function(text) {;

See similar examples. First, without the

setInterval(() => {
  document.write( + '<br />');
}, 750);

With the before the document.write:

setInterval(() => {;
  document.write( + '<br />');
}, 750);

  • Thanks Luiz, this worked but it is possible to add in the reply how to do this only without deleting the previous file? Type like this, when the user clicks the back button (left arrow of the browser) he goes to the previous page (before the received page of fetch).

  • When you use the document.write there is no way to recover the previous state of the page (it is not a new page, it is the same page, only overwritten). The only way to be able to "go back to the previous page" would be to store the current HTML in a variable before changing it.

  • It seems to me that it might be more interesting in your case not to use AJAX in this case, but rather requests POST for <form>. They allow you to change the page much more easily, and actually allow you to return to previous page.

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