How to get a person’s friends and followers on Twitter using the tweepy library?


Viewed 124 times


The function getting_friends_follwers() below works if I remove the value 100 from (cursor2.items(100)) . My goal is to take these names (followers and friends) and save in a file "friends.txt".

The problem: The name screen_name has a huge amount of friends and followers and thus the connection is terminated by Twitter. I thought about trying to capture the names from 100 to 100 (hence the value 100 in the cursor2 call) but the following error occurs:

builtins.TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'User' and 'User'

How to correct?

f = open("amigos.txt","w")
Meu = []
def getting_friends_follwers():
    # Get list of followers and following for group of users tweepy
    cursor = tweepy.Cursor(api.friends, screen_name="Carlos")
    cursor2 = tweepy.Cursor(api.followers, screen_name="Carlos")
##    for user in cursor.items():
##        print('friend: ' + user.screen_name)

    for user in sorted(cursor2.items(100)):###funciona se eu tirar este valor!!!
         f.write(str(user.screen_name)+ "\n")

         print('follower: ' + user.screen_name)

  • 1

    I don’t know the tweepy so well, but that mistake must be because of the sorted, because it cannot compare the users returned by cursor to order them

1 answer


Try this

f = open("amigos.txt","w")
user = '@Carlos'
count=300 # quantidade de seguidores que será retornado pela api (altere para quantidade que quiser, só cuidado com o limite da api)
    followers = tweepy.Cursor(api.followers,screen_name=user).items(count)
    for follower in followers:
         f.write(str(follower.screen_name)+ "\n")
except BaseException as e:
          print('failed on_status,',str(e))

This should code does what you’re looking for, but the @carlos user has the private profile, and it’s not possible to collect your followers.

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