Stack data from a list in pandas


Viewed 46 times


I’m trying to stack several csv files that are listed in a csv file type, but when I apply iteration on them I just preview the last file.

Follows the code.

 import pandas as pd
 import numpy as np

 lista = pd.read_csv('lista.csv') - (neste arquivo contém a lista com o nome dos arquivos dentro da pasta em csv)

 lista = lista['.ipynb_checkpoints'].values.tolist()

 for i in lista:
     i = pd.read_csv(i,sep=';')


I wanted to save a variable with each file in the list, then stack them all.

Thanks for the help,


1 answer


Tried to use list comprehension? It seems to me that your code is not very suitable to perform the desired terefa. Try to change this yours for by the following

l = [pd.read_csv(i,sep=';') for i in lista]

in the end, l will contain a list of all the dataFrames you want, once you have made sure that the variable lista contains the strings with the proper filenames.

I hope I helped, hug!

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