how it returns the indices of a python list


Viewed 1,516 times


I have the list:

lista = [0,0,0,0]

How can I return the contents of this list so it stays that way:

Índice: 0 1 2 3
item:   0 0 0 0
def f1():
    #funcão criar um post, cria um novo post com 0 likes 
    print(print(),'O post nro.',len(post),' tem sido criado.')    
    print('A lista de postagens é a seguinte:\nÍndice: 0\nLikes: 0')
    input('Aperte Enter para para voltar')



The post no. 3 has been created.

The list of posts is as follows:

Índice: 0 1 2 3
Likes: 0 0 0 0

Press R to go back

4 answers


There is no method to retrieve the contents of a list, why these indexes are always sequential number, starting at zero.

does not have "different indexes".

If you need individual indexes, you can use builtin range: it will also give you a sequence of numbers, starting at zero by default.

But, if you want to show on the screen the indexes, for example, in a loop is - the natural in Python is to use builtin enumerate. It can be used in a for and will return you the index, along with the element in that index:

for indice, elemento in enumerate(lista): ...

Only if you really want to post the contents on a top line, and the elements on a bottom line, the thing complicates: you can’t naturally keep going between the top line and the bottom line in Python (nor any other language, if the output is in the terminal): Voce would essentially have to create a table in memory, generate the output of each cell of the table and print this table. in this simple example, it is easier to do a for range to print the numbers, and another with the list elements, to print the elements themselves.

The most natural is simply printing vertically:

print("indicet - elemento")
for indice, elemento in enumerate(lista):
    print (f"{indice:<10}{elemento}")

(Here I used a printable formatting rule that says to align the index to the left, with 10 spaces, using the :<10 inside the key)

to do horizontally, as you want, just do:

print(f"Índices: {list(range(len(lista))}")
print(f"Likes  : {lista}")
  • thanks jsbueno manage to understand now and managed to do horizontally


If the purpose of your code is to just solve an exercise or kill curiosity about a certain type of display this solution is not better suited for you, because even the code looking simple it does use of a sophisticated resource that is the DataFrame. Would be the same than to kill a cockroach with a shotgun.

If your code is part of something larger and this data set will later be modified, operationalized, analyzed, recalculated and reexibido you can have the possibility to use a DataFrame and method DataFrame.rename_axis to tabulate your data.

from pandas import DataFrame

l = [2, 4, 6, 3, 8]

#Cria um DataFrame sobre um dicionário índice/valor sobre a lista l com um cabeçalho # 
#de índices e uma única linha, de nome likes e do tipo inteiro, contendo os valores correspondentes
df = DataFrame(dict(enumerate(l)), index=["likes:"], dtype=int)

#Ajusta o nome do eixo das colunas 
df = df.rename_axis("índice:", axis="columns")



índice:  0  1  2  3  4
likes:   2  4  6  3  8

Code in


Use the the function enumerate:


lista = [0,0,0,0]

print(f"Índices:", end=" ")

for chave, _ in enumerate(lista):
    print(chave, end=" ")


print(f"Valores:", end=" ")

for _, valor in enumerate(lista):
    print(valor, end=" ")


Índices: 0 1 2 3 

Valores: 0 0 0 0


Whoa, whoa, buddy, whoa! Come on: if you want to print the contents of a list named as a list, You can do the following:

lista = [0,0,0,0]
lista_indices = []
for i in lista:

I hope I helped :D

  • thank Allen only that it is returning [0,0,0,0] ie returns the items from the list not the Dice

  • Voce has to assign the indexes to another list and call it in place

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