Radiobutton or button to sort data


Viewed 453 times


In my project, I have a Occurrences table and a column called Status and the Status values are: pending or solved.

I need to sort the data and create a logic that in my view i have a button, or two, and when clicking show all occurrences that are with the Status pending or solved. That is, two buttons one to show all that are pending and one to show all that are solved.

How would I do that? Could anyone help me ? Not a notion of how to do that.

*Note: If it can be by radiobuttons, would be more practical.

  • Add to the question what you already have of code. :-)

  • So that’s the problem, I don’t know how to create an action and use it on a radio button to make that criteria. (. I can do this check via html as well ?

2 answers


You can use a logic using jQuery, for example, to call a Action using GET. Something like this:

public ActionResult Listar(String status) 
    var lista = contexto.Ocorrencias.Where(o => o.Status == status).ToList();
    return View(lista);

Status can be a RadioGroup:

<input type="radio" name="status" value="P">Pendente<br>
<input type="radio" name="status" value="R">Resolvido

The trigger could be something like this:

$('input[type=radio]').click(function() {
  • I didn’t quite understand this trigger... It would work as a button works ? I mean, by clicking it would already show ?

  • @Érikthiago Around. What I did there is to give this button behavior pro radio button.

  • Aah. I get it. And let me ask you. To make this ordination, this line String status, receives the value of pending or solved here: name="status" or here: value="R"

  • name tells the ModelBinder the name of the field, and value the value. Note that Controller i specified that the name of the variable to be sent is status. The rest the ModelBinder does it alone.

  • So the way it is, I don’t need to move, just implement it will work right ?

  • 1

    Yeah, with a few tweaks, maybe. I didn’t test this code.

  • I’ll test here to see if it works. I could call this action in another, for example, the Index ? I mean, in the Index view ?

  • That’s up to you. I just suggested some names based on my taste.

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Complementing the response of the Gypsy, for it to work in my scenario I had to make some changes.

First, I created the Action:

 public ActionResult Ordenar(String status, int? pagina)
        var lista = db.Ocorrencias.Where(o => o.Status == status).Include(o => o.Aluno).ToList();

        int paginaTamanho = 10;
        int paginaNumero = (pagina ?? 1);
        return View(lista.ToPagedList(paginaNumero, paginaTamanho));

Then I created a Partialview of that Action:

<h3>Busca por Status</h3>

<div class="alert-info">
<form action="/Ocorrencias/Ordenar" id="status">
    Ordenar por:
    <input type="radio" name="status" value="Pendente" onclick="myFunction()">Pendente
    <input type="radio" name="status" value="Resolvido" onclick="myFunction()">Resolvido

 <table class="table table-striped">
         Nome do Aluno
        Data de Entrada

@foreach (var item in Model)
            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Aluno.NomeAluno)
            <input type="text" name="Status" id="Status" value="@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Status)" readonly class="Status" />
            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.DataOcorrencia)
           <a href="~/Ocorrencias/[email protected]" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span></a>
           <a href="~/Ocorrencias/[email protected]" class="btn btn-info btn-sm"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list"></span></a>
           <a href="~/Ocorrencias/[email protected]" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></a>                


   Página @(Model.PageCount < Model.PageNumber ? 0 : Model.PageNumber) de          @Model.PageCount
   @Html.PagedListPager(Model, pagina => Url.Action("Ordenar", new { pagina, filtro = ViewBag.Filtro }))

 //Esse *script* faz com que o *radio* tenha o mesmo comportamento de um *button*
 function myFunction() {

And in order for the filter to work perfectly, I put a form in my view Index, which calls to Action Sort in the Controller Occurrences.

//Demais controles da minha *view*
//Note no atributo *action* do *form* que chamo a *action* que será usada
<form action="/Ocorrencias/Ordenar" id="status">
Ordenar por:
<input type="radio" name="status" value="Pendente" onclick="myFunction()">Pendente
<input type="radio" name="status" value="Resolvido" onclick="myFunction()">Resolvido
//O restante dos controles
//Esse *script* faz com que o *radio* tenha o mesmo comportamento de um *button*
 function myFunction() {

And that way it worked for me.

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