How to show value typed in Alert()?


Viewed 175 times


How to show a variable value string or typed in a prompt?

<script type="text/javascript">
    function funcao()
        var x;
        var quantidade = prompt("Digite valor do saque");
        x = quantidade;
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2 answers


Just print the variable, without anything else, you only use quotation marks to put a text, if you want a symbol of the code to be solved and used its value then it should appear direct. There is even how to put a variable inside the quotes but this is more advanced and does not work in all versions, so it is better not to use for now.

function funcao() {
    var quantidade = prompt("Digite valor do saque");

If you want to print a text and the variable can make a simple concatenation:

function funcao() {
    var quantidade = prompt("Digite valor do saque");
    alert("O valor digitado é " + quantidade);

I put in the Github for future reference.


In this way:


You will show the string $quantidade$, to show the value of the variable "quantity", just put the "quantity" in Alert, as in the example below:

function funcao()
  var x;
  var quantidade = prompt("Digite valor do saque");
  x = quantidade;

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