How to get the value of a list of ckeckboxes with jquery?


Viewed 8,726 times


I’ve tried the following:

<input name="chklista" id="chk01" value="01" type="checkbox" />01<br />
<input name="chklista" id="chk02" value="02" type="checkbox" />02<br />
<input name="chklista" id="chk03" value="03" type="checkbox" />03<br />    
<br />
<input id="btn01" type="button" value="button" onclick="teste();" />
<br />
<br />
<div id="div01">

is in function:

function teste() {
    //não funciona
    //var chklista = $('#chklista').val();
    var chklista = $('input[name="chklista"]').val();    
    var chk01 = $('#chk01 checked').val();
    var chk02 = $('#chk02 checked').val();
    var chk03 = $('#chk03 checked').val();
    $('#div01').html("por nome: <br />chklista: " + chklista + "<br /><br />por id: <br />chk01: " + chk01 + "<br />chk02: " + chk02 + "<br />chk03: " + chk03 + "<br />");

the way out was this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

when I wanted something like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


You should wear it like this:

var chk01 = $('#chk01').is(':checked');
var chk02 = $('#chk02').is(':checked');
var chk03 = $('#chk03').is(':checked');


function teste() {
    var chklista = $('input[name="chklista"]:checked').toArray().map(function(check) { 
        return $(check).val(); 
    var chk01 = $('#chk01').is(':checked');
    var chk02 = $('#chk02').is(':checked');
    var chk03 = $('#chk03').is(':checked');
    $('#div01').html("por nome: <br />chklista: " + chklista + "<br /><br />por id: <br />chk01: " + chk01 + "<br />chk02: " + chk02 + "<br />chk03: " + chk03 + "<br />");

$('#btn01').bind('click', teste);
<script src=""></script>
<input name="chklista" id="chk01" value="01" type="checkbox" />01<br />
<input name="chklista" id="chk02" value="02" type="checkbox" />02<br />
<input name="chklista" id="chk03" value="03" type="checkbox" />03<br />    
<br />
<input id="btn01" type="button" value="CLIQUE AQUI PARA TESTAR" />
<br />
<br />
<div id="div01">

The excerpt:

$('input[name="chklista"]:checked').toArray().map(function(check) { 
    return $(check).val(); 

Simply search all the inputs with the name "chklista" that are checked, transform the jquery object that stores a reference for all of them into a conventional array, then we take this array and map each DOM element to its value, which you defined in HTML

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