Set field value Select dynamically in Angular reactive form


Viewed 344 times


I have the following select field:


<div class="col-md-4">
     <div class="mda-form-group">
          <select class="mda-form-control" formControlName="state"
           (change)="getCities($"aria-placeholder="Select a State...">
               <option value="">--Selecione um valor--</option>
               <option *ngFor="let state of valuesState" [value]="state.stateId">{{}}</option>

every time a state is selected the city select is updated. The problem is that I put a function to search for Zip and update the fields automatically.


  zipQuery() {
    let zipCode = this.valForm.get('address.zipCode').value
    //Nova variável "cep" somente com dígitos.
    var zip = zipCode.replace(/\D/g, '');
    if (zip != "") {
      var validateZip = /^[0-9]{8}$/;
      //Valida o formato do CEP.
      if (validateZip.test(zip)) {
        this.ZipCodeService.getZipCode(zip).subscribe(res => {
 = res;

  resetAddressForm() {
      address: {
        addressName: null,
        number: null,
        complement: null,
        neighborhood: null,
        state: null

  populateDataForm(data) {
    this.stateService.getStateUf(data.uf).subscribe((states: States[]) => {
      this.valuesState = states;
      address: {
        addressName: data.logradouro,
        neighborhood: data.bairro,
        zipCode: data.cep,
        state: this.valuesState

I’m getting the following error:

:4200/vendor.js:68903 ERROR Error: Error trying to diff 'Minas Gerais'. Only arrays and iterables are allowed
    at DefaultIterableDiffer.diff (:4200/vendor.js:89095)
    at NgForOf.ngDoCheck (:4200/vendor.js:30297)
    at callHook (:4200/vendor.js:67357)
    at callHooks (:4200/vendor.js:67317)
    at executeCheckHooks (:4200/vendor.js:67239)
    at selectIndexInternal (:4200/vendor.js:72036)
    at ɵɵadvance (:4200/vendor.js:72004)
    at CreateCustomersComponent_Template (ng:///CreateCustomersComponent.js:363)
    at executeTemplate (:4200/vendor.js:74125)
    at refreshView (:4200/vendor.js:73972)

And besides, even if I can solve the problem and popular this information, how do I leave the selected value?


  • 1

    it seems to me that valuesState is being used as the value of select and also as the options it is right to have an array of states

  • Thank you Eduardo! It had this problem as well, but the biggest problem was in an asynchronous call, which was returning the value after the command line.

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