I am unable to extract data from json - React-js


Viewed 194 times



I am unable to extract a data to send to api. in the /cases path the api provides json data.

useEffect(()=>  {

    }).then(response =>{
}, [])

When accessing the route cases, and render it is like this: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

each case has an id that comes from the database (in the image would be 23 and 24) and I need to send this ID to the back when I sign up for it.

Here in {case.id} I bring the case id of the mysql table but I am not able to send to api this same given in the post method, and here comes the problem, how can I do it? what are the ways to capture this ID value? I’m using Axios.

async function handleInsc(){

    try {

        const config ={

         await api.post('cases/inscMyCases',{
            cases_ids:cases.id/  */aqui vai o id*/


    } catch (error) {
        alert('erro na inscrição')



below the full code.

import React,{useEffect, useState} from 'react'
import {Link, useHistory} from 'react-router-dom'
import {FiTrash2,FiPhoneForwarded,FiPower} from 'react-icons/fi'

import  './styleCases.css'

import api from '../../services/api'

export default function Profile(){
    const[cases, setcases] = useState([])   
    const history =useHistory()

    const usuario = localStorage.getItem('userName')
    const userid = localStorage.getItem('userId')
    useEffect(()=>  {

        }).then(response =>{


    function handleLogout(){

    async function handleInsc(){

        try {

            const config ={

             await api.post('cases/inscMyCases',{
                cases_ids:caso.id/*/aqui tem soluçao*/


        } catch (error) {
            alert('erro na inscrição')



        <div className="profile-container">
                <span>SEJA BEM VINDO(a) {usuario}</span>

                <Link className="button" to="/alerts/newCase">Cadastrar um alerta de trabalho</Link>
                <Link className="button" to="profile">Volte para sua pagina de perfil</Link>

                <button onClick={handleLogout} type="button"></button>
                <FiPower size={18} color="#e02041"></FiPower>


            <h1>Casos Cadastrados</h1>

                <ul>{cases.map(caso =>( 
                    <li key={cases.id}>


                    <p><button onClick={handleInsc} className="FaWhatsapp" to="profile/inscMyCases" >Candidatar-se</button></p>                                      




  • 1

    What are you using on the back? F12 or ctrl + shift + i and go on the tab console to see everything that happens from errors. Puts a console.log(response) to see what is returned from endpoint /cases.

  • I am using Node, the error that comes from the back 'Column 'cases_ids' cannot be null', is because I am not sending anything in cases_ids. but to send what I want, I need to extract the ID that is inside the <li key={case.id}>, I will try to rewrite the post to try to be a little clearer...

1 answer


You’re sending cases_ids: caso.id, whereas caso.id does not exist in the scope of the function and can send this id per function parameter, thus:

<button onClick={() => handleInsc(caso.id)}

and change the method to:

async function handleInsc(id) {

and when sending the ID to the back-end, puts him in the body of the requisition so:

cases_ids: id
  • 1

    That’s right. I was passing only the return of Function, being the correct function with the param... worth my noble Lucas Bittencourt

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