Do an SQL sub-query


Viewed 79 times


I am trying to make several queries (counting the amount of certain elements) within the same table column, and send each query to a different column. Ex: I have column of names, and I want to consult the quantity of some surnames as: quantity of "Silva", "Alves" and "Santos". And create a "Silva" column with the number of names with Silva, and etc.

What I thought:

SELECT COUNT(`coluna_1`) AS `Nome`

(SELECT COUNT (`coluna_1`) AS `Nome_1`
FROM `Tabela_1` AS `A`
WHERE (`A`.`coluna_1` LIKE '%nome_1%')

FROM `Tabela_1` AS `B`
WHERE (`B`.`coluna_1` LIKE '%nome%'

2 answers


In some Dbms it is possible to perform a filter when using an aggregation function, such as Count. This avoids several nested queries.

In Postgres, for example, your query could be written as follows:

       count(nome) FILTER (WHERE nome like '%Silva%') as Silva,
       count(nome) FILTER (WHERE nome like '%Alves%') as Alves,
       count(nome) FILTER (WHERE nome like '%Santos%') as Santos
FROM tabela

In other Dbms it is possible to use a CASE WHEN clause as follows:

       count(CASE WHEN nome like '%Silva%' THEN 1 END) as Silva,
       count(CASE WHEN nome like '%Alves%' THEN 1 END) as Alves,
       count(CASE WHEN nome like '%Santos%' THEN 1 END) as Santos
FROM tabela

Here an executable example of the codes described.


Hey, how you doing? What you are looking for can be easily achieved with the following consultation (very similar to what you had even thought):

select (select count(nome) from Pessoas where nome like '%Silva%') as Silva,
       (select count(nome) from Pessoas where nome like '%Alvez%') as Alvez,
       (select count(nome) from Pessoas where nome like '%Santos%') as Santos

I hope it helped ;)

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