In the section below, I have the following types
// eg.:
type ButtonTypeModifiers = 'is-primary' | 'is-secondary'
type ButtonMarginModifiers = 'has-margin' | 'has-no-margin' | 'has-no-margin-mobile'
type ButtonSizeModifiers = 'is-mall' | 'is-large' | 'is-large-mobile' | 'is-extra-large-mobile'
type ButtonProps = {
id: string
// ---> a linha abaixo é onde está o meu desafio <---
modifiers: [ButtonTypeModifiers, ButtonMarginModifiers, ButtonSizeModifiers]
With the code above, I got the following:
<Button id="test" modifiers={['is-primary', 'has-margin', 'is-large']}
But I need something like:
<Button id="test" modifiers={['has-margin', 'is-primary', 'has-no-margin-mobile', 'is-large', 'is-extra-large-mobile']} />
I need to combine several types
in tuples
within a array
To tuple occupies a position of array
and forces me to fill with an option and secure that position, however, in a array
I need to use several of my values types
In short, within one all the values that are in my types Button...Modifiers
are eligible to use as value in the property I need type.