When trying to Create a Project in Visual Studio(Console App[.NET Core]) returns the following error:
When making the changes as requested the error persists I restarted Visual Studio several times and also the computer. I also tried to install: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/thank-you/runtime-aspnetcore-3.1.3-windows-x64-installer I was unsuccessful in any dealings, and the error persists. Could someone help me?
Which version are you trying to create and which sdks do you have installed on your machine? Include in your question the steps preceding the error message.
– Leandro Angelo
Leandro, I’m learning to program. Could you tell me how I can validate the information you asked for?
– Bernardo Manoel Machado
At the command prompt, run the following command
dotnet --list-sdks
– Leandro Angelo
It informs that "dotnet" is not a recognized command. Strange, as I just installed ASP . NET Core 3.1.3
– Bernardo Manoel Machado
My dear, I did the incorrect installation of the SDK. After correctly installing the problem has been solved. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/thank-you/sdk-3.1.201-windows-x64-installer
– Bernardo Manoel Machado
then I think it’s valid to close the question ;)
– Leandro Angelo