Undefined for the body of a request


Viewed 107 times


I’m trying to create a Postings in Node, where a post will have the following fields : Category, title and Description. The entity responsible for making this feature is called posts, which is configured as follows :

exports.up = function(knex) {
    return knex.schema.createTable('posts', function(table){
        //chave primária que se auto incrementa a cada post



Done this I created a route to perform this feature, which is as follows :

routes.post('/postagens', (request, response) => {

    const data = request.body

    return response.json()

To test, I sent a request using the method POST with the content being sent in format JSON as follows :

    "category": "stackoverflow",
    "title": "erro à ser corrigido",
    "description": "retorno undefined"

This being said, I receive the following content on console.log(data) : Undefined.

How can I make to date receive the body of this my request ?

1 answer



You can make the following code in your main file (usually the index.js):

const express = require('express');

const app = express();


This allows the server to understand requests with the json

  • Oops, I put this on and I keep returning Undefined. Follow my index.js file currently : const express = require('express') const Routes = require('. /Routes') const app = express() app.use(Routes) app.use(express.json()) app.Listen(3333)

  • @Gabrielribeirocarneiro, then, puts the app.use(express.json()) before app.use(routes)

  • 1

    WORKED! Thank you very much

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