How to run a virtual python Environment on the linux crontab?


Viewed 171 times


created a virtual Environment:

python -m venv test
pip install -r requirement.txt

And I created a scrip C:\fnord\Documents\Scripts_python\test\Scripts\

So, how should I proceed to create scheduling, for example:

30 08 10 06 * python C:\fnord\Documents\Scripts_python\test\Scripts\

1 answer


Just use the full path to python installed in virtualenv.

30 08 10 06 * /home/venv/bin/python3 /<caminho_do_script>/Scripts/

You can also create a . sh script that enables virtual Environment and then call your python script. This helps when you have several actions to perform.

  • (opa Rodrigo - I changed a little the phrase there just to be very clear - but thanks for the quick and correct answer)

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