how to filter an ngRepeat loop according to the value of one of the contents of an array


Viewed 1,081 times


Well, the content of a page on my site is generated from the following JSON template:

      "name":"Nome do Cliente",
    "description":"Lorem Ipsum",

And then it’s displayed as follows:

<div class="row portfolio-item" ng-repeat="project in projects">
    <div class="image hidden-sm hidden-xs col-md-6">
        <img class="layout" src="{{project.image}}">
        <span class="mask"></span>
    <section class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 portfolio-content">
            <nav class="tags">
                <a ng-repeat="tag in project.tags" href="/tag/{{tag}}">{{tag}}</a>

However, I would like to be able to filter the displayed content according to the selected tag. I tried to use the attribute filter:tag, but the angular returns no result. ('tag' was defended with a scope variable in the controller with one of the values of the JSON tag array)

4 answers


Well, based on @Pedro Luz’s response and this answer, I arrived at the following code that solved my problem:

.filter('filterBySelectedTag', function() {
    return function(projects, selectedTag){
        if(selectedTag == null){
            var filtered = projects;
            var filtered = [];
            angular.forEach(projects, function(project) {
                angular.forEach(project.tags, function(tag){
                    if( tag == selectedTag )
        return filtered;
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    Mark your answer as a solution. It will stay at the top independent of voting.

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    I can only mark my answer as a solution tomorrow... =/


Dude, I would advise you not to rewrite the wheel, because then the maintenance would be horrible. In your specific case, just do the following

<div ng-repeat="tag in tags | filter: { property: valor }"></div>

It is much cleaner and organized without having to declare any filters. In this case, I passed an object to the filter, not just a value

Example: Imagine a div where you wanted to filter the active items, in which case it would be

<div ng-repeat="item in items | filter: { active: true}">
      <span>{{ item.qualquer_coisa }}</span>
  • I don’t think you understand what I want to do. Following your code I would only filter the tag loop, and my need was to filter the content from the tags. Besides, I ran a test and your code didn’t work. Hug


Matthew, I don’t know if it’s exactly what you need... but in one of my projects I own a ng-repeat in a JSON and mount some filters from values typed in <input>. Example below:

        <input type="text" ng-model="search.contactName">
        Nome do contato

    <tr ng-repeat="item in filtered = (list | filter:{contactName: search.contactName })">
        <strong>[[ $index + 1 ]]</strong>
      <td>[[ item.contactName ]]</td>


As @Pedro Luz responded, the idea is right, going into the use of Angular filters, but they are used differently.

For example, I want to change the way a date is displayed?

I use the following Angular Binding:

{{ date | (filtro aqui) }}


{{ date | dd }}

That would return the day in numerical format (17, as today is December 17).

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