How to Decrease Complexity of a Function with Two Loops in Python


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This function returns the number of pairs in which A[i] > A[j] for 1 < i < j < n

def calc(A):
    cont = i = j = 0
    while i < len(A):
        j = i + 1
        while j < len(A):
            if A[i] > A[j]:
                cont += 1
            j += 1
        i += 1

Suppose a list L = [3, 2, 5, 2, 1], then Calc(L) = 7, because 3 > 2, 3 > 2,3 > 1 in the first iteration, 2 > 1, in the second iteration 5 > 2 , 5 > 1 in the third iteration and 2 > 1 in the last iteration. What data structure that is of the division and conquest type would make the above algorithm run faster?

  • Unless you know something we don’t, it doesn’t seem possible. In fact, we don’t know what you want to achieve.

  • would like to reduce to at least be O(n 2) in the worst case. There must be some way, it is an exercise of the book of algorithms, it suggests to use some structure of data of division and conquest, but I am already thinking a long time and I do not identify any that would apply

  • 1

    But it’s that complex, in the worst case or the best. The book must have a better definition of the problem, is what I said, you just posted the algorithm said you want it to be done better. I arrived to think of some things, but with the information that we have these things would not apply. Of course I may have missed something. But without something to say otherwise your problem requires that all possible pairing combinations should be compared, even when the same elements are compared again but now reversed compared to what had already been compared.Even one Sort is + easy

  • an example of input used is the list L = [3, 2, 5, 2, 1] has resulted calc(L) = 7. I think not all pairs should be compared, the first element compares with all, but the penultimate only compares with the last. The book explicitly asks for this code to be recreated in division and conquest model, but I do not know what structure to use

  • 1

    If you really need to walk through the possible pairs such that i < j, Of all the luck I would need to do most of those comparisons. No matter how clever the data structure was under the table, in the worst case it would remain quadratic

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    @Pirategull So you know things that we don’t know. You would need to state that it doesn’t need to be all, to find is different from being. Change the result. What you are talking about can be done in a Sort Because the one that’s smaller goes one way and the other the one that’s bigger, your case still has something to do with the ones that are equal. The reverse time has another decision to make. Unless the statement says you do not need to buy the pairs in the other order. There it is easy to reduce well, but again, your question does not mention it.

  • 1

    I’m almost sure there’s something you’re not saying. Or the book might be bad. The way you’re talking, you can’t share anything unless you’re talking about breaking up threads.

  • I tried to improve understanding by re-editing the question, now I put everything I have of book information

  • This problem you’re trying to solve is called Inversion Count. An algorithm of the division and conquest type that solves this problem more efficiently is the merge Sort. There are several links that explain the merge Sort on the internet. Example: On the inversion counting problem, see: or

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1 answer


Comparing only 2 to 2 is not possible.

But if it is a "real" algorithm and not something theoretical, you can, within the function itself, go building a list in parallel, this being ordered, and then it is much simpler - because it is possible to do a binary search.

Then you will spend O(log(n)) to build the ordered list, I think the final comparison is O(n log(n))

So, yes, to keep the ordering of the items already seen, and to have a binary search, the coolest is maybe to create a class to do this - in this case we already pulled one of the sleeve here, why create this type of class in Python is very quiet. The standard library implements a heap - which can insert and extract elements in order - but you can’t use binary search in a heap.

My ordered sequence class, however, uses a Python list, with inserts in the middle, to maintain ordering - inserts in the middle of a Python list are relatively costly, although in native code - but in terms of algorithmic complexity are O(N) also - If you want to absorb this cost, then you have to customize the list itself with a linked list data structure - very simple.

If you are going to take this code into some project, I suggest inheriting Sortedseq from abc.collections.MutableSequence - and implement the 3 or 4 more methods that are suggested there - __setitem__, __getitem__, __delitem__, __len__, __insert__ if I’m not mistaken. The special valroes I use in the first line they also look better if they’re a enum.Enum.

MATCH = 0; PREV = -3; POST=-2; NOTFOUND = -1

class SortedSeq:
    def __init__(self, initial=None): = []
        if initial:
            for item in initial:

    def _find(self, item, start=0, end=None):
        if not
            return NOTFOUND, 0
        if end == None:
            end = len(
        if item ==[start]:
            return MATCH, start
        if item ==[end - 1]:
            return MATCH, end - 1

        middle = (start + end) // 2

        if item ==[middle]:
            return MATCH, middle

        if middle == start:
            value =[start]
            return PREV if value < item else POST, start

        if[middle] >= item:
            return self._find(item, start, middle)
            return self._find(item, middle, end)

    def count_before(item):
        sit, pos = self._find(item)
        if sit in (MATCH, PREV):
            return pos
        return 0

    def find(self, item):
        matched, index = self._find(item)
        if matched == MATCH:
            return index
        return NOTFOUND

    def push(self, item):
        sit, pos = self._find(item)

        if sit == NOTFOUND:
        elif sit == POST:
  , item)
   + 1, item)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"SortedSeq([{}])"

# Disclaimer - não sei se você quer contar 
# os items já vistos que forem iguais ao 
# que está sendo olhado - se não quiser, tem que 
# modificar o "count_before" acima.
def calc(A):
    count = i = j = 0
    seem = SortedSeq()
    for i, item in enumerate(A):
        count += seem.count_before(item)
    return count

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