Use str_replace substitur tag <br> for <p>


Viewed 34 times


People need to replace tags br for p in my xml constructor and for this I am using the method str_replace but he’s not making that substitution.

Follows the code:

foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item){
   if($i <= 30){        
       if(substr($item->link, 0, 23) == ''){
    $imagem = '';
    if($item->images->image != ''){
        $imagem = '<figure> <img src="'.str_replace(' ','',str_replace('alt=','',str_replace('"','',str_replace('src=','',str_replace('/>','',$item->images->image))))).'"/>  </figure>';
    $newItem = $newXML->addChild('item');
    $newItem->addChild('title', $item->title);
    $newItem->addChild('link', $item->link);
    $newItem->addChild('guid', $item->guid);
    $newItem->addChild('pubDate', $item->pubDate);
    $newItem->addChild('content', '

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <link rel="canonical" href="'. $item->link .'">

            <!-- Article body goes here -->

            <figure class="op-tracker">
                <iframe src="' . $item->link .'" hidden></iframe>


    ]]> ');
$i +=1;

1 answer


Note that for you to be able to do this type of substitution, the code returned in $item->contentfor example, it needs to be exactly <br><br> without any character between them. If it is <br/>, it won’t work or if it’s just one <br> neither.

Share a snippet of your xml code (if possible). Then we will arrive at a more appropriate solution.

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