How to set a fixed key for an array?


Viewed 30 times


How can I set a key for an array with multiple values?

The array lists all trackers (in which case there is no key defined);

$trackers = array(

        [0] => udp://
        [1] => udp://
        [2] => udp://

Resultado desejado:
        [0] => Array
                [protocolo] => udp://
        [1] => Array
                [protocolo] => udp://
        [2] => Array
                [protocolo] => udp://

Obs.: before opening the question I already reviewed the internet and I found nothing that helps me.

1 answer


Simply iterate with a for or foreach and add to a new array, it’s the basics of the language:

$trackers = array(

$newTracks = array();

foreach($tracks as $track) {
    $newTracks[] = array( 'protocolo' => $track );

Now, something a little more "advanced", but that is native to the language and good to learn, are the references, in the case of PHP we use the commercial E (&), so no need to create a new array, just reference the EACH ITEM value of the foreach that will update the current array, thus:

$trackers = array(

foreach($tracks as &$track) {
    $track = array( 'protocolo' => $track );

Of course if you are using a is normal or need references, because you will already have the INDEX VALUE, so:

$trackers = array(

for ($i = 0; $i < count($tracks); ++$i) {
    $tracks[$i] = array( 'protocolo' => $track );

Thus $tracks[$i] you take the current Dice item and so on $tracks[$i] = you update it

  • Something so simple and I looking for a sophisticated method to do this, thank you.

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