I have a table that is filled in at the moment my screen loads, in this table I have listed all my corrections, I have a delete action for this correction, it deletes right because when I update the screen with F5 the data is no longer there, But I wanted when the user deleted the value to be gone. However in this same window I have another table of essays and there has to appear in this window the wording that before belonged to this correction.
That’s why I was trying to get him to force load the screen again. How do I do this?
<template slot-scope="props">
<!-- colunas-->
label="Corrigida em"
>{{ formatData(props.row.created_at, 'DD/MM/YYYY - HH:MM') }}</b-table-column>
<b-table-column label="Número Da Redação">{{ props.row.redacao.numero }}</b-table-column>
<b-table-column label="Aluno">{{ props.row.redacao.aluno.name }}</b-table-column>
<b-table-column label="Proposta">{{ props.row.proposta }}</b-table-column>
<b-table-column label="Grade">{{ props.row.grade }}</b-table-column>
<b-table-column label="Escola">{{ props.row.redacao.escola }}</b-table-column>
<b-table-column label="Nota Final">{{ props.row.nota_final }}</b-table-column>
<b-table-column field="actions" label="Ações" width="180" centered>
<!-- detalhes -->
<b-tooltip label="Detalhes" position="is-top" type="is-dark">
class="button is-primary is-round"
@click="correcaoInfo(props.row.id), isCardModalActive2 = true"
<b-icon icon="eye"></b-icon>
<!-- deletar -->
<b-tooltip label="Deletar" position="is-top" type="is-dark">
class="button is-primary is-round"
<b-icon icon="delete-outline"></b-icon>
correction deleting function:
deletarCorrecao(cuuid) {
if (confirm("Você realmente deseja excluir essa correção?")) {
this.isLoading = true;
.then(() => {
duration: 5000,
message: "Deleção realizado com sucesso!",
position: "is-top-right",
type: "is-success"
this.$router.push({ name: 'admin/redacao', params: { }});
.catch(() => {})
.finally(() => {
this.isLoading = false;
Is your function that loads the information inside the created ? If yes, isolate it in a separate method, and at the time of @click delete, you call the search function again. If it is in another method, you can send this. $Emit('Reload'), to the component that has the responsibility to execute this query.
– Rodrigo Nantes
Rodrigo Nantes thank you very much, very simple and solved what I needed.
– Marcius Leandro