Differences between Monolith and Monorepo


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I have read some articles on Monorepo and still do not understand what would be the difference between Monolito and Monorepo.

Would someone explain to me?

  • 5

    These are two concepts that I find extremely strange to mix in comparison. How to compare "bee" and "avocado": both are living beings and begin with the same letters.

2 answers


You may have one or more monoliths in a monorepo. They are not comparable.

Monolith refers to how your application is structured, for example, if your application is one to connect to the bank, process the information and display the customer information to the user, you may consider this simplistically a monolith.

The monorepo concerns the way you manage the repositories of your applications, for example, you can have a blog that has a monolithic architecture and have a system that manages your finances that does not have a monolithic architecture, if you choose to manage both projects in a single repository (in git for example) this too simply is a monorepo.

The two concepts have several strategies and are much more complex than I explained, but in a practical and summarized way this would be


I’m also a layman, but being simplistic I believe that monolith (or monolithic) is the inverse of Microservices.

A backend monolito for example, it uses an architecture where the whole system structure (login, queries, stores...) is in a single code, using a language like C#, Java, etc.....

The microserviço, is based on the concept of segmenting functionalities where, for example, login is a type of code and the profile query is another type of code, and each uses the most favorable language for its type of service.

I believe the term monorepo is the concept of using a single repository to store dozens of Microservices, rather than staying in separate repositories.

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