Capture data from all select elements in HTML with Angular


Viewed 84 times


I made a ngFor to list elements select HTML and I’m wanting to capture all the data selected by this select... I did it this way:


<form [formGroup]="secondFormGroup">
    <div *ngFor="let data of getSizeArray(dataHead); let i = index" class="example-box cursor-normal">
        <select formControlName="objetoMapeado">
            <option *ngFor="let d of displayedColumns" [ngValue]="d">


public secondFormGroup: FormGroup;
public displayedColumns: string[] = 
        ['Nota Fiscal','Fornecedor','Data da Compra','Valor da Compra','Numero de Parcela','Valor da Parcela','Tipo de Recebimento'];

constructor(private _formBuilder: FormBuilder) {}

ngOnInit() {
    this.secondFormGroup ={
        objetoMapeado: ['', Validators.required]

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The problem that when I make one console.log it only displays the value of the first element and not of all elements select HTML.


1 answer


In this case you have to use formArray inves from the group

  this.formArray =  new FormArray(> new FormControl(value)) // os dados que seu array é baseado, é bem ruim chamar uma função no html como vc ta fazendo
 //passar o valor é opicional

in html

  <div *ngFor="let data of mappedArray; let i = index" class="example-box cursor-normal">
        <select [control]="formArray[i]">
            <option *ngFor="let d of displayedColumns" [ngValue]="d">
  • I didn’t understand how the implementation would work application.components.ts

  • Can’t bind to 'control' Since it isn’t a known Property of 'select'. <select [control]="formArray[i]">

  • then you have to make the map based on the array you’re doing for

  • How would it look ? I don’t have mta Xp with Angular

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