I have a problem that arose a few days ago. I have been working on a project for 3 years. From about 10 days to the present, when executing the GO TO DEFINITION command over a given source code, a document with metadata is being displayed to me instead of the source code. Does anyone know what might have caused this behavior?
Hello, could display the snippet of the code referring to the problem?
– Brewerton Santos
I think you’re trying to see the definition of something is not in your project, but rather coming from an external reference.
– Leandro Angelo
What I’m trying to see is mine. My project has 4 layers (View, Contexts, BLL and Dao). I’m trying to see BLL projects. This is an excerpt from the code: Preferentialterminal pref = Preferentialsterminalbll.returnPreferenciasTerminal(); If I run CTRL + Click spbre "returnsTerminal() the mentioned problem occurs.
– Ednilson Teixeira