Send task from server to clients nodejs


Viewed 57 times


I am using and making a server and client in nodejs. The communication between them is working. Server receives notification when client connects and disconnects. I am now needing to send server tasks to the client and store these messages in an array by clients


io.on( 'connection', ( socket ) =>{
console.log( 'Nova conexão, exibindo o ID desse cliente:', )

if( )
    socket.on('task', ( task ) => {

        let arrTask = [];

        cron.schedule('*/10 * * * * *', () => {
            console.log( task )

        socket.on('disconnect', () => {
            console.log( 'Cliente desconectado' )



client js.

socket.on( 'connect', () =>{

  console.log( "Cliente conectou" );
  socket.emit( 'task', 'Cliente '  + + ', recebi sua tarefa' );


socket.on('msg', (msg) => {

  console.log( msg );


If anyone can help me I would be grateful. Oh, I’m sorry but I couldn’t get the right code.

  • @Sorack thanks for editing, I was not getting it. I would know help me on this issue of code?

1 answer


I don’t think I understand exactly ... but I’m a little confused with your code.

Let’s start from the beginning:

socket.Emit => sends a message

socket.on => keeps listening to the channel and as soon as receiving does something.

on the client side:

socket.on( 'connect', () =>{
  let tarefa = {dados: "fazer algo", tempo: 50, teste: false};
  console.log( "Conectou com o servidor de socket" );
  socket.emit( 'task', tarefa); // emite a tarefa assim que conecta no servidor.

socket.on('mensagem-retorno', (msg) => {
  console.log( msg );

Already on the server.js

io.on( 'connection', ( socket ) =>{
    console.log( 'Nova conexão, exibindo o ID desse cliente:', )

    if( )
        socket.on('task', ( tarefa) => {
            // essa parte de armazenar eu não sei como você irá fazer.
            console.log( tarefa ); // << sua tarefa está aqui. 
            let arrTask = [];

            cron.schedule('*/10 * * * * *', () => {
                console.log( tarefa )

            socket.on('disconnect', () => {
                socket.emit('mensagem-retorno', 'Sua tarefa foi recebida e processada'); // o cliente vai estar observando o "canal" mensagem-retorno
                console.log( 'Cliente desconectado' );



Did you understand? if you want to send the message to all clients connected to the server, you should use broadcast.

  • Thanks @Thomaz Diogo Cimin

  • Managed to run smoothly? If you have more doubt comments there.

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