I am doing tests in Influxdb (inside a Docker container) and for that I ran the code below:
# criando a imagem do influxdb
docker run -d --name influxdb -p 8086:8086 influxdb
# acessando o terminal dentro da imagem
docker exec -it influxdb sh
# dentro do terminal no container, eu acesso o CLI do influx
# crio o banco de dados de testes
> create database test
# defino o banco de testes como padrão
> use test
# crio a tabela "foo" e insiro uma coluna "bar" com valor "123"
> insert foo bar=123
# seleciono tudo na tabela "foo" para verificar se foi inserido
> select * from foo
# resultado da seleção
name: foo
time bar
---- ---
1583928133832191101 123
From this example and, as the influxdb documentation i can return the query result from the browser by accessing the url http://localhost:8086/query?db=test&q=select%20*%20from%20foo
but in doing so, the returned result brings the time column with a different formatting:
"results": [
"series": [
"name": "foo",
"columns": [
If I need the time property in the original format so that it is possible to update the record, what I need to do so that, when accessing this data through the HTTP protocol, the "time" column is returned without formatting?