How to change the compiled application name?


Viewed 16,812 times


How to change the name "app-release" that gets after compiling the android app ?

  • a curiosity: why you need to modify this after the application is compiled? could not for example duplicate the project and compile already with the correct name?

  • the same way you change the icon you can change the name of the app... I think it might help you...

1 answer


Good evening! I realized that they did not answer the question and I had the same problem. I found the solution and came to share.

Go to Androidmanifest.xml for your project. It’s one of the last items in your project. After opening, find in Application the following description: "android:label="@string/app_name".

Holding Ctrl and clicking on "@string/app_name", you will be automatically directed to the Strings page, where you can change the name of your Application. The same applies to your app icon or theme.

I hope the solution helps other people.


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