Turn a query into a HIVE file. CSV


Viewed 49 times


I need to extract information from HIVE or Hue by generating a CSV file, I have tried some commands for both Hive and the Hue application but without success. Has anyone ever done anything like that? In advance, thanks for the help.

1 answer


As recalled for this Wiki reply, the command beeline allows to query and generate the result in CSV.

You can "save a little something" for copy/glue or (strongly suggest) keep a standard command name in your file .bashrc (see link indicated). For example:

 alias bl_exe_csv='beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://aaats879454co.sistema.br:10000/sistema" tez.queue.name=Desenvolvedores -n usuario01 --silent=true  --outputformat=dsv --delimiterForDSV=";" -e';

Then Voce can run without bureaucracy in the terminal:

bl_exe_csv "SELECT 123 AS x UNION ALL SELECT 456" > lixo.csv

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