Perform sum of hours from a query


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I am in need of a help in a system that I am developing, it is based on an electronic point system I am almost finishing it, and to complete once I need to perform a calculation of worked hours of a certain period (year/month). The query I already have functional, the only thing that is really left is to take the records of this query and add all to generate the hours worked from that specific period, I will be showing the query below.

SELECT r.cod,r.cod_usuario,, r.entrada, r.intervalo, r.retorno, r.saida, j1.descricao AS justificativa_entrada, j2.descricao AS justificativa_saida,
                        j3.descricao AS justificativa_intervalo, j4.descricao AS justificativa_retorno FROM registro AS r
                        LEFT JOIN justificativa AS j1 ON r.justificativa_entrada = j1.cod
                        LEFT JOIN justificativa AS j2 ON r.justificativa_saida = j2.cod
                        LEFT JOIN justificativa AS j3 ON r.justificativa_intervalo = j3.cod
                        LEFT JOIN justificativa AS j4 ON r.justificativa_retorno = j4.cod
                        WHERE r.cod_usuario = ?  ${monthQuery ? ('AND' + monthQuery) : ''} ${yearQuery ? ('AND' + yearQuery) : ''}           
                        ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 120

This is the query, and its return is this way:inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I also have a code that performs the calculation of the hours worked but this is individually, IE, is the calculation of each line of the record. (Date.timeSumFi it’s just a test)

var horasTrabFiltro = Date.timeSumFi((Date.calcHrTrab(re.entrada, re.intervalo, re.retorno, re.saida)));

   Date.calcHrTrab = function (date1, date2, date3, date4) {
        if (date1 == null && date2 == null && date3 == null && date4 == null) {
            return null;
        } else if (date1 != null && date2 != null && date3 != null && date4 != null) {
            dataTrab = Date.timeSum(Date.timeDifference(date1, date2), Date.timeDifference(date3, date4));
            return dataTrab;
        } else if (date1 != null && date2 == null && date3 == null && date4 != null) {
            let date1_ms = new Date(date1).getTime();
            let date4_ms = new Date(date4).getTime();
            let difference_ms = date4_ms - date1_ms;
            difference_ms = difference_ms / 1000;
            let seconds = Math.floor(difference_ms % 60);
            difference_ms = difference_ms / 60;
            let minutes = Math.floor(difference_ms % 60);
            difference_ms = difference_ms / 60;
            let hours = Math.floor(difference_ms);
            return new Date(0, 0, 0, hours, minutes, seconds, 0);
        } else if (date1 != null && date2 != null) {
            let date1_ms = new Date(date1).getTime();
            let date2_ms = new Date(date2).getTime();
            let difference_ms = date2_ms - date1_ms;
            difference_ms = difference_ms / 1000;
            let seconds = Math.floor(difference_ms % 60);
            difference_ms = difference_ms / 60;
            let minutes = Math.floor(difference_ms % 60);
            difference_ms = difference_ms / 60;
            let hours = Math.floor(difference_ms);
            return new Date(0, 0, 0, hours, minutes, seconds, 0);

Sorry for so much information but I believe that the more explained better so that you can help me in my problem, I thank you already.

  • When I need to manipulate dates with javascript, I usually use a very good lib call moment, in case you don’t already know I advise to have a look at the documentation has enough content and I think it will help you a lot in the manipulations of dates. doc-Moment

1 answer


A simple way to solve it with no library. Good as you already have the function to calculate the hours worked individually is to make a loop in your array coming from the database passing each date individually storing the values in another array, and at the end sum the array of worked hours results.

var horasTrabalhadasDia = [];

//Suponha que resp é seu array vindo da query
    //Suponha que sua função calcHrTrab retorne já o valor das horas trabalhadas
    horasTrabalhadasDia.push(Date.calcHrTrab(re.entrada, re.intervalo, re.retorno, re.saida)); 

//Soma de todas as horas trabalhadas durante o mês
var totalHorasMes = horasTrabalhadasDia.reduce((a, p) => a + p); 

Good is a simple example plus the result will be the sum of all hours worked in a given period.

  • Then I was recommended to use reduce but I got to see the doc. of it could explain to me what is done there in "reduce((a + p) => a + p); "?

  • So reduce performs an aggregation of the values of an array, where you can specify which type of operation should be performed. reduce receives as parameter a function with two input parameters that represents the first value of the array and its successor, then you specify what should be done with these values (in the above case was to add the two), when this is done, it stores the result value in the first parameter (in the above case the input variable a), and continues the execution until all elements of the array are finished, generating at the end a cumulative of the array values.

  • So in my case I need to change these parameters? Because there is error in the part of the parameters in this "=>" and in the end ");"

  • There really is a flaw in receiving the paramenters I will correct

  • Had put up the sign + in receiving the parameters was a ,

  • In fact this code would be the loop for, but using the foreach structure, to go through the array, the way you will go through the array until it doesn’t matter so much, the essential thing is to calculate the hours value of all the records and store in another array, in order to do the reduce. You could take this part and pass it on your loop for horasTrabalhadasDia.push(Date.calcHrTrab(re.entrada, re.intervalo, re.retorno, re.saida)); . creating the varival horasTrabalhadasDia out of the loop

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