Problem when serializing an object


Viewed 86 times


I’m trying to use serialization to transfer data between Server and Client. However, I am having trouble trying to deserialize a class that has a type List of another class, when the class to be deserialized has no such list there is no error.


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Function to serialize:

private static void Serialize(NetOutgoingMessage Data, object Element)
    // Serializa os dados
    MemoryStream Stream = new MemoryStream();
    new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(Stream, Element);

Function to deserialize:

private static object Deserialize(NetIncomingMessage Data)
    // Deserializa os dados
    BinaryFormatter Formater = new BinaryFormatter();
    Formater.Binder = new Program.Binder();
    return Formater.Deserialize(new MemoryStream(Data.ReadBytes(Data.ReadInt32())));


public class Binder : System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationBinder
    public override Type BindToType(string assemblyName, string typeName)
        assemblyName = assemblyName.Replace("Client", "Server");
        return Type.GetType(string.Format("{0}, {1}", typeName, assemblyName));

Classes to be serialized:

    public class NPC
        public string Name;
        public string SayMsg;
        public short Texture;
        public byte Behaviour;
        public byte SpawnTime;
        public byte Sight;
        public int Experience;
        public short[] Vital;
        public short[] Attribute;
        public List<NPC_Drop> Drop;
        public bool AttackNPC;
        public List<short> Allie;
        public byte Movement;
        public byte Flee_Helth;

    public class NPC_Drop
        public short Item_Num;
        public short Amount;
        public byte Chance;

How I send the data:

public static void Write_NPCs()
    NetOutgoingMessage Data = Socket.Device.CreateMessage();

    // Envia os dados
    Serialize(Data, Lists.NPC);

How I get:

private static void Write_NPCs(byte Index, NetIncomingMessage Data)
    // Lê e salva os dados 
    Lists.NPC = (Lists.Structures.NPC[])Deserialize(Data);
  • Weird code, because you’re doing it like this, because you don’t use a guy to do it for you?

  • What do you mean, a guy? @Virgilionovic

  • There is already a package that does this !!! because it is doing so so?

  • 1

    Complementing what Virgilio commented, I will do a free jabá here but it is usually used newtonsoft json, including found in git of . net a very constructive conversation about the use of binaryformatter being deprecated

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