Problem to convert . py to executable with cx_freeze


Viewed 256 times


I tried several times and it does not work in windows 7 and in other versions the interface opens does not connect to the DATABASE all dlls have already been imported

'''from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable from Dlls import include_files

base = None if sys.Platform == "Win32": base = "Win32gui" if sys.Platform == "Win64": base = "Win64gui"

setup( name="PROJECT", Author="REDLLIW", version="1.0.0", Description="", options={'build_exe': { 'includes': ["fdb"], 'excludes': ['wx', 'email', 'pydoc_data', 'curses'], 'Packages': ["fdb"], 'include_files': include_files }}, executables=[ Executable("", base=base ) ] )'''

always appears this error

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


To create python executables more practically, use the PYINSTALLER library. It is simpler and automatically maps file dependencies.

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