mPDF does not align colspan with Text-align


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Good afternoon, you guys.

Guys, I have a layout of tables that on the screen and printing is displaying as expected, with the texts aligned to the left and other formatting.

But when I send mPDF in PHP for it to process, it brings everything as if it were text-align:center; Even though I tried to put one in hand * { text-align: left } he doesn’t play.

Then I discovered that the problem is in a colspan="14" which I have, which serves as a line, and the mPDF does not seem to be able to align on colspan.

The line that this happens is like this example

<tr class="tit">
     <th colspan="14">Vendedor: Fulano da Silva</th>

Does anyone have an idea of how to format this style?

1 answer


I managed to solve using start instead of left, in css I added then:

.tit {
  text-align: start;

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