Custom mask does not work on jqGrid


Viewed 16 times


I need to insert a phone mask, CPF, CNPJ in some columns of jqGrid, but it doesn’t work at all!!!

I have already followed the example in documentation, I checked in various websites and nothing.

Does anyone know how to implement this? I’ve been stuck for a week with this problem, it can’t be that hard to do something so simple in Jquery!!! (Sorry for the outburst)

The version of Jquery I use is 1.11.93, the version of jqGrid is 4.5.4

Below is my code:

this.montarGRID = function (p_gridName, p_dados, p_header, p_descriptor, p_contentName, p_primaryKey, p_filtroGrid) {
jQuery("#" + p_gridName).jqGrid( {
    data : p_dados, 
    datatype : "local", 
    sortable : true, 
    colNames : p_header, 
    colModel : p_descriptor, 
    rowNum : 30, 
    rowList : [30, 50, 100], 
    pager : '#p' + p_gridName, 
    recordpos : 'right', 
    viewrecords : true, 
    sortorder : "desc", 
    width: screen.availWidth - (screen.availWidth * 3 / 100),
    height : screen.availHeight - 250, 
    ignoreCase : true, 
    multiselect : false, 
    shrinkToFit : false, ...

function telefone(cellValue, opts, rowObject) {
    console.log("gri.locale-pt-br.js formatter telefone " + cellValue);
    return "Telefone: " + cellValue;

the model of the colModel is

{formatter=integer, index=id, hidden=true, sortable=true, sorttype=integer, width=75, align=center, name=id}, 
{formatter=integer, index=VPD_GEMPI, search=false, hidden=true, sorttype=integer, sortable=true, width=0, align=right, name=VPD_GEMPI, editrules={number=true, required=true}, editable=true}, 
{formatter=date, formatoptions={srcformat=ISO8601Short, newformat=d/m/Y}, index=DT_DIGIT, search=true, hidden=false, sortable=true, width=0, align=right, name=DT_DIGIT, dateFormat=d/m/Y, editrules={required=true, date=true}, editable=true}, 
{formatter=email, index=EMAIL, search=true, hidden=false, sorttype=text, sortable=true, width=0, align=right, name=EMAIL, editrules={text=true, required=false}, editable=true}, 
{formatter=telefone, index=TELCONTATO01, search=true, hidden=false, sorttype=text, sortable=true, width=0, align=right, name=TELCONTATO01, editrules={text=true, required=false}, editable=true}, 
{formatter=telefone, index=TELCONTATO02, search=true, hidden=false, sorttype=text, sortable=true, width=0, align=right, name=TELCONTATO02, editrules={text=true, required=false}, editable=true} 

One detail is that the standard jqGrid masks work (integer, number, email, date)

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