Javascript Abstract Classes


Viewed 81 times


How can I have an abstract class and its extended classes in the same file?

for example: in forms.js

class default {
    this.width = width
    return this.width ** 2

module.exports = class cubo extends default {
  some unique stuff for cube...

How can I create a cube reference in my index.js? I’ve already tried:

const formas = require('./formas.js')
const cubo = new Cubo(width)

and tried that too:

const formas = require('./formas.js')
const cubo = new formas.Cubo(width)

What I’m doing wrong?

1 answer


Your formas in the file you matter will be equal to module.exports of the file exporting.

Export like this:

class default {
    this.width = width
    return this.width ** 2

class Cubo extends default {
  some unique stuff for cube...

module.exports = Cubo

Import like this:

const Cubo = require('./formas.js')
const cubo = new Cubo()
  • 1

    Thanks buddy, you’re the guy :D

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