How to rename a remote and same local branch from the remote?


Viewed 376 times


Which command should be used to rename a branch and update its name branch local?

2 answers


You can also do as follows:

$ git branch -m nome_antigo nome_novo         # Renomeia o *branch* local   
$ git push origin :nome_antigo                # Deleta o *branch* antigo no repositório remoto (dois pontos + nome do *branch*)    
$ git push --set-upstream origin nome_novo    # Push no novo *branch*
  • Great, I didn’t know the -m


The name of a branch in git is only a reference, what really counts is the sequence line between the commits along with their hashes.

So, all you have to do is create a new branch under the new name:

git checkout -b branch-renomeada

And then push that branch (assuming your remote repository is as origin):

git push origin branch-renomeada

After that, if you want you can delete the branch ancient:

git branch -D branch-antiga

To remove the branch remote with old name, if you have already pushed previously:

git push origin :branch-antiga

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