Repository on Github


Viewed 279 times


My doubt may be quite simple for some.

I have a local folder called "projectX" containing 02 subfolders, being (back-end and front-end), I already have a repository in Github called projectX. Is it possible for me to send subfolders that are local (back-end and front-end) to the same repository on Github? If possible, how would I?

Thank you!

  • pracisa add folders by making a stage, add a commit with add and finally make a push to send everything.

  • Oops, thanks for the feedback! Where else would git init start, it would be in the project folder?

  • exact in the Projectox folder, then add a commit with the folders and push ;)

  • Perfect, in which case I need to put git ignore in the local subfolders (back-end and front-end) or it’s not necessary?

  • no, otherwise they won’t automatically enter the commit. Use ignore only for files you don’t want to send (binaries, executables, etc)

1 answer


In the projectX folder you give a git init, after the one git commit -m "escreve um comentario" then add your repository git remote add origin and finally a push on the master git push -u origin master

  • Perfect, thank you very much!!!

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