Get a Youtube video ID from the URL


Viewed 7,268 times


4 answers


Can use parse_url to extract fragments from a url and match parse_str that converts a valid querystring into an associative array ($param).

$url = '';
$itens = parse_url ($url);
parse_str($itens['query'], $params);

echo '<pre>';


    [v] => Y3eZEtwQVI8
    [list] => UUdm1fwk5iqteE0MVOBUuE8Q"


  • That I liked, for now is the only one that works regardless of how many parameters were provided, and the order of them. Just pick up the $params['v'] that the result will always be consistent.

  • 2

    Alternatively you can enter PHP_URL_QUERY as the second argument of parse_url() to have only querystring.


You can use the explode

$video  = "";
$id = explode("?v=", $video);

Other examples here

  • Thanks for the answer! But what if, by chance, the string were: "" and I still wanted to take only the video ID? ; which would end in '&'?


Can use regex to extract the ID:

$patternRegex = "/http[s]?:\\/\\/www\\.youtube\\.com\\/watch\\?v=(\\w+)/";
$urlYoutube = "";

preg_match($patternRegex, $urlYoutube, $matches);

Behold here working with your example.

Explaining the $patternRegex:

  • /http[s]?:\\/\\/www\\.youtube\\.com\\/watch\\?v= : This part looks for the beginning of the URL.
  • [s]? - Indicates that the character s can occur one or zero times.
  • (\\w+)/ : This part captures all alphanumeric characters and underscores which exist after ?= v until the end of the URL.
  • 1

    A question: Every youtube url will have the https? If by any chance it comes with http, your regex no longer works.

  • You can change regex to support urls without SSL. See the edited response.


You can use as soon as any format of the url will work

function YoutubeID($url)
    if(strlen($url) > 11)
        if (preg_match('%(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com/(?:[^/]+/.+/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)/|.*[?&]v=)|youtu\.be/)([^"&?/ ]{11})%i', $url, $match)) 
            return $match[1];
            return false;
    return $url;
  • although the answer is not well detailed it works, congratulations.

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