How to leave a modified structure with :active effect


Viewed 42 times


Guys, I made the following code and I am in doubt with the pseudo-classes, in case I created buttons but the change of the :active effect only happens while I keep cursor pressed, there is some way to keep that change until another button is selected?

Below is the code + css.

.box {
	width: 500px;
	border: 10px solid whitesmoke;
	padding: 25px;
	display: block ruby;

a.dados {
	background: url(;
	width: 40px;
	height: 40px;
	background-size: 40px;
	display: block;
	background-color: #f0eaea;
	padding: 5px;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: center;
	border: 2px solid #8080802e;
} {
	background: url(;
	width: 40px;
	height: 40px;
	background-size: 34px;
	display: block;
	background-color: #f0eaea;
	padding: 5px;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: center;
	border: 2px solid #8080802e;
	margin: 2.5px;

a.rel {
	background: url(;
	width: 40px;
	height: 40px;
	background-size: 34px;
	display: block;
	background-color: #f0eaea;
	padding: 5px;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: center;
	border: 2px solid #8080802e;
	margin: 2.5px;

a.inv {
	background: url(;
	width: 40px;
	height: 40px;
	background-size: 34px;
	display: block;
	background-color: #f0eaea;
	padding: 5px;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: center;
	border: 2px solid #8080802e;
	margin: 2.5px;

#dados {
	background: green;
	width: 496px;
	height: 200px;
	position: absolute;
	margin-top: 52px;
	margin-left: -7px;
	border: 2px solid #dcd7d7;

#bio {
	background: #bf0606;
	width: 496px;
	height: 200px;
	position: absolute;
	margin-top: 55px;
	margin-left: -63px;
	border: 2px solid #dcd7d7;
	display: none;

#rel {
	background: #0f42dd;
	width: 496px;
	height: 200px;
	position: absolute;
	margin-top: 55px;
	margin-left: -122px;
	border: 2px solid #dcd7d7;
	display: none;

#inv {
	background: #b55029;
	width: 496px;
	height: 200px;
	position: absolute;
	margin-top: 55px;
	margin-left: -181px;
	border: 2px solid #dcd7d7;
	display: none;

a.dados:active {
	background-color: #978f8f;
} {
	background-color: #978f8f;

a.rel:active {
	background-color: #978f8f;

a.inv:active {
	background-color: #978f8f;

a.inv:active #inv {
	display: block; !important
<div class="box">
<a class="dados"><div id="dados"></div></a>
<a class="bio"><div id="bio"></div></a>
<a class="rel"><div id="rel"></div></a>
<a class="inv"><div id="inv"></div></a>
<div class="cred"></div>

  • What exactly do you want? change the color when you hover over the object? Use :Hover to do this. If you want to click and show another color, use javascript with the html onclick event

  • No, the color was just a test, I wanted to make the #div visible while not changing the option.

  • To make a div visible with CSS use display: block. To hide will be display: None. By intending to do this while not changing option can do through javascript. In the html tag you add onclick="function", and in the javascript you call this function and change the tag display type

1 answer


One way to do this is by controlling via Javascript.

For this you can add a click event on the links (tag <a ...>), when this event is triggered add a class in the link that was clicked and remove that class from the other links.
See the example below, in it I try to explain the code with the comments.

/// ; Busca o elemento com a classe `box`
var box = document.querySelector('.box'),
/// ; Busca os elementos quem tem a tag `A` que estão dentro do elemento `box`
    meusLinks = box.querySelectorAll('A');
/// ; Para cada `A` adiciona o evento de onclick
meusLinks.forEach(function( a ){ 

/// ; Evento de onclick
function onCliqueiNoLink(){
  /// ; `this` dentro dessa função é a tag `A` que foi clicada.
  console.log( this , this.parentNode );

  /// ; Pega o 'pai' do link clicado, ou seja, o elemento de classe `box`
  /// ;  busca por todos os elementos de tag `A` dentro dele
      .querySelectorAll( 'A' ) 
  /// ;  remove a classe `active` desses `A`
      .forEach( function( a ){
  /// ; adiciona classe `active` no link clicado
A{ display:inline-block; width: 20px; height: 20px; background: yellow; }{
   background: red;
<div class="box">
    <a class="dados"></a>
    <a class="bio"></a>
    <a class="rel"></a>
    <a class="inv"></a>
    <div class="cred"></div>


querySelector, querySelectorAll, classList, addEventListener.

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