Doubts about HTML and CSS


Viewed 68 times


Hello, I’m starting now and I have the following question: When creating a page with HTML and CSS, I added the icons to access my social networks (example: Instagram, Linkedin, etc.) but just added the image. How do I turn this icon image (example: Instagram) into a link where I can click and be directed to the page?

I thank you in advance for your help and attention. Hug!

  • Edit your question with your code, so it’s easier to give you an answer that suits you

2 answers


You can use the tag <a> with a href containing the link to your page, thus:

  <a href="">
     <img src="seu_icone_aqui">


You can include your image tag within a hyperlink tag, as in the example below:

<a><img /><a/>

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