Update select after registration without refresh


Viewed 391 times


Good afternoon, this is my first post, I would like the help of vcs, I have a select option that searches the data in the bd, just after this I have a button where I open a modal window to include more options to this select if you need, with this I do a cadre in the bd without refreshing the page, this because I already have items inserted in the other inputs, what I need is that after the registration this select option is updated without the page re-fres. follows the code.

<select id="location" name="reup"  >
<option value="">item</option>
<?php aqui vem os demais option com a busca no bd   ?>



    var nomer = $('#nomer').val();
    var obsr = $('#obsr').val();

    $.post('insreu.php', {
    }, function(resposta){

        if(resposta == 1){

            $('input, textarea').val('');
            alert('Cadastrado com sucesso.');
        }else {


Thanks for your help.

1 answer


I recommend splitting your code into two files, one that will contain all the information on the page and a second that will be a jquery helper to perform a new query, which will contain only the options.


<select id="location" name="reup">

    <!-- Arquivo que será incluído o arquivo que será responsável por mostrar as options atualizadas -->
    <?php include "options.php"; ?>



In the archive options.php, should contain the query on the server and bring the options to be shown in the selection field.

<option value="">item</option>
<?php aqui vem os demais option com a busca no bd   ?>


In JS, we will continue to do the normal inclusion as it is already being done, but we will add a .load() to reload the file options.php after inserting the new option, this will bring the selection field with the updated options.


    var nomer = $('#nomer').val();
    var obsr = $('#obsr').val();

    $.post('insreu.php', {
    }, function(resposta){

        if(resposta == 1){

            $('input, textarea').val('');

            // Aqui iremos recarregar o elemento com o name=reup, o recarregamento será apenas nesse elemento e irá recarregar o arquivo options.php, com isso irá realizar a consulta novamente das opções disponíveis

            alert('Cadastrado com sucesso.');

        }else {


Reference: load()

  • good afternoon, I still have the problem, I register without refresh on the page, but I can not refresh in select

  • Did an error appear in the console? You failed is too broad

  • I just got it right, I put an id in the select div that is outside the modal window, at the end I had the div updated so that I did the Insert, my problem now is another, I have 5 selects making that I have 5 modal windows in this form, so the first one works without problems , but I can not insert in the comics the others, the modals work but the Inserts do not, I am following the same logic, and of course each modal with its distinct identification.

  • was like this : obsr }). done(Function(href){ $("#updated"). load( href +" #updated"); }); $('#modalreu'). modal('Hide'); }); already got the rest right, lack of attention, had forgotten the id’s in the inputs

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