Calling a view in a subfolder


Viewed 69 times


Hello, everybody.

I created a view, inside a subfolder like this example:

Views | Home | Minhasubpasta Myview.cshtml

In the controller, I have the following method that should call this view in the subfolder:

    private ActionResult MinhaView()
        return View("??????"); // <= tem que chamar a view que está na subpasta

I don’t know what to call this view in my subfolder. Some colleague could help me in this matter?

Hugs Hugo

  • Does this controller match the views in the Home? Homecontroller folder?

  • Yes, the method is in Homecontroller. But I did it for now, to exemplify and post my question. In fact, I’ll do it in another custom controller.

1 answer


You can do it like this:

return View("~/MinhaSubpasta/MyView.cshtml");
  • Unfortunately it didn’t work. Gave the following error:

  • The view '~/Minhasubpasta/Myview.cshtml' or its master was not found or no view engine Supports the searched Locations. The following Locations Were searched: ~/Minhasubpasta/Myview.cshtml

  • Is the name of the folder and view the same? Myfolder and Myview? It has to be written exactly as in the directory.

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