I was developing a site without using Materialize. I decided to import it to use one of its functionalities (Cards). In doing so, the navbar, which already had its own well-defined characteristics, became 'corrupted' with the default effects of the materialize navbar (which are instantiated automatically when using the tag <nav>
How to remove such effects without breaking the other functionalities of materialize?
For example only:
Before importing the materialize was like this:
I needed a [MCVE] to answer for sure, as it may be the case to only use the auxiliary class
in hisnavbar
or apply the class .no-autoinit to skip the element initialization.– Augusto Vasques
I made all my navbar styling code using only html + css, there is no specific detail about it. Just think of a stylized Nav bar with any effect, and that such effect was superimposed by materialize characteristics. Please tell me how to use this class . browser-default. I read about it, but I didn’t quite understand how to apply it.
– Daniel Cavalcante
In the class attribute of the element:
– Augusto Vasques