Difference between element.class{} and element . class{}


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I was mounting a screen using css and html, and came across the following situation:

class "x" is added with a js, when the user rolls the sidebar (if the position is greater than 0, class x is added to the element).

in my css I needed to change the background color, so I put:

elemento .x{
    codigo css...

and it didn’t work, but when I put it like this:

    codigo css...

It worked. For those who saw no difference, it is in the space between "element" and ". x".

NOTE: I have some css code in which I put space and it works, but these are not added with js.

Why does this space make it difficult in some situations and not in others? What’s the difference?

Script that adds class:

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.addEventListener("scroll", function(){
        var header = document.querySelector("header");
        header.classList.toggle("x", window.scrollY > 0);
  • 1

    Do you have the js function that adds the class? When there is space they are going through a path to the element, when they are together means the same element. Spaceless <elemento class="x" /> Roomy <elemento> <p class="x"></p> </elemento>

  • @Pedrohenrique I have yes, I will leave the js in the question. Thank you for your answer

  • 1

    simple, when it has space it looks for the child of the element with class x, when this without space css looks for the element with class x

  • @Samuk your css selector is header.x ?

  • @Pedrohenrique Yes, exactly.

  • 1

    @Samuk then is right, when you use header.x, stylization is applied to the element header with class x.

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2 answers


When it has space it looks for the child of the element with the class x, when it lacks space css looks for the element with the class x


div.x {
  color: red;

div .x {
  color: blue;
<div class="x">
  conteudo da div
  <p class="x">filho da div</p>


When you use the following expression in your CSS, i.e..

.minhaClasse .subClasse {

It occurs as follows: Element > Element, as the image below describes.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When expressed in this way, combined class:

.mihaClasse.subClasse {

The element possessing .minhaClasse also possess .subClasse.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Most likely the class is being inserted into the same element so it worked. If you remove your class that precedes the class it will work because it will be independent of the parent class.

Extra use case for better understanding of how much to use combined class.

.textoGrande {
  font-size: 24px;

.textoGrande.textoCorAzul {
  color: #0000ff;

.textoGrande.textoNegrito {
  font-weight: bold;
<div class="textoGrande">Meu texto grande</div>
<div class="textoGrande textoCorAzul">Meu texto grande e Azul</div>
<div class="textoGrande textoCorAzul textoNegrito">Meu texto grande, Azul e Negrito</div>

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