Fulltext Mysql with Spring Boot


Viewed 41 times


Good morning, I am trying to make a fulltext in mysql with spring boot, in mysql when I do the test with the sql command, the result brings back correctly, but when I pass the spring boot sql Native, it brings an empty list.


@Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "SELECT * FROM position WHERE MATCH (name, area) AGAINST (':description' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")
List<Position> searchByNameAndArea(@Param("description") String name);


public List<Position> searchByNameAndArea(String name) {
    return positionRepository.searchByNameAndArea(name);


public List<Position> searchByNameAndArea(@RequestParam String name) {
    return positionService.searchByNameAndArea(name);

After I run the project, I walk into the bank and turn the remote


URL used in Postman


Model da Position

@EqualsAndHashCode(onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
@Table(name = "position")
public class Position {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

private String name;

private String area;


Could someone help me, please.

  • How is the mapping of the Position class

  • I updated the question with Model.

  • From what I noticed the sql command is not able to catch the name I pass as parameter, because if I leave the automatic word without parameter, it can bring the result.

  • @Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "SELECT * FROM position WHERE MATCH (name, area) AGAINST ('position' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")

1 answer


Good afternoon, everyone,

@Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "SELECT * FROM position WHERE MATCH (name, area) AGAINST (':description' IN BOOLEAN MODE)")
List<Position> searchByNameAndArea(@Param("description") String name);

I was able to solve my problem, in AGAINST (:Description IN BOOLEAN MODE) does not need the simple quotes in the word :Description, removing it, the result appears correctly.

  • How it works : SELECT * FROM position WHERE MATCH (name, area) AGAINST (?1 IN BOOLEAN MODE)

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