How to resolve the Csharp_eidmw_err_pinref_not_found_get exception


Viewed 109 times


I have a C# project that uses the Gov library to access data from a smartcard (citizen card), the Library is called pteidlib_dotnet, which you can find here

I need to create a feature that allows me to digitally sign pdf documents with the Citizen Card, and I think I have the correct code (as it is in the manual that comes with libraries, which can find here in pdf), the problem now, is that when I try to sign the library throws an exception which I can’t find the solution on the internet to solve.

I’ve done a lot of research and I think the problem is related to the init method library that does not recognize the name of my smartcard Reader, but still can not solve (init function I think is called internally, so in my code I do not call it.)

I wanted to come here so ask for help if anyone knows why the exception.

Inner Exception - in en.portugal.Eid.pteidlib_dotNetPINVOKE.SWIGExceptionHelper.. ctor() in en.portugal.Eid.pteidlib_dotNetPINVOKE.. cctor()

Message - The type initializer for en.portugal.Eid.pteidlib_dotNetPINVOKE triggered an exception.

Stacktrace - in en.portugal.Eid.pteidlib_dotNetPINVOKE.Pteid_readerset_instance() in en.portugal.Eid.Pteid_readerset.instance()


private static void AssinarFicheiros(string[] ficheiros)
    ficheiros[0] = @"c:\teste\fich1.pdf";
    //ficheiros[1] = @"c:\teste\fich2.pdf";
    if (ficheiros is null)

    string destino = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\";

    string localizacao = "local";
    string razao = "razao";
    int pagina = 1;
    int sector = 2;
    bool isLandscape = false; // TODO: Pode não estar correcto para todos os casos, visto que não conseguimos indentificar se os documentos estão na horizontal.

        using (PTEID_ReaderSet readerSet = PTEID_ReaderSet.instance())
            for (int i = 0; i < readerSet.readerCount(); i++)
                using (PTEID_ReaderContext context = readerSet.getReaderByNum(unchecked((uint)i)))
                    if (context.isCardPresent())
                        using (PTEID_EIDCard card = context.getEIDCard())
                            using (PTEID_PDFSignature signature = new PTEID_PDFSignature())
                                if (ficheiros.Length == 1)

                                    // Aqui lança a exceção CSharp_EIDMW_ERR_PINREF_NOT_FOUND_get quando tenta executar esta linha de código.
                                    card.SignPDF(signature, pagina, sector, isLandscape, localizacao, razao, destino);
                                    //card.SignPDF(destino, ficheiros, unchecked((uint)ficheiros.Length));
    catch (Exception exc)

If anyone can guide me in the direction where I can find the solution it would help enough.

Thank you in advance for any reply.

  • 1

    Also add the exception details such as message, stacktrace and Inner Exception.

  • The post has been updated, thank you!

  • 1

    It’s not related to your destino? The file exists and it will, in fact, be able to include the signed document within a .zip?

  • It worked! Thank you very much, I saw that the manual "Middleware, contained an error! The destination must be a folder and not a file!

1 answer


In this case, the error is found in the documentation, and the solution found was only the removal of the extension from the target file, as the destination needs to be a folder!!!

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