I need the page to render only when the query returns some value, I tried to use Promise, async, await... but nothing seems to work, the page always renders and then the data is retrieved.
var conn = app.config.connection();
var bankModel = new app.app.models.bank_model;
var capitalMc;
bankModel.valor_total(conn, function(error, result){
}else if(Object.keys(result).length > 0){
console.log('result' + formatNumber(result[0].valor_total));
capitalMc = formatNumber(result[0].valor_total);
capitalMc = 'Erro ao carregar os dados.';
console.log("Erro ao carregar os dados.")
res.render('template', {title: 'Painel de controle', body: 'dashboard_view', bodyclass: '', capitalMc: capitalMc});
function bank_model(){
bank_model.prototype.valor_total = function(conn, callback){
var sqlQuery = "SELECT valor_total FROM bank";
conn.query(sqlQuery, callback);
module.exports = function(){
return bank_model;
I don’t know if it’s a recommended way or if there’s something wrong, but nothing works! kk
you ever tried to make
bank_model.prototype.valor_total = async function(conn, callback) { await conn.query(sqlQuery, callback) }
and call withawait bankModel.valor_total(conn,.....)
? (remember that your controller function needs to be async tb)– igventurelli