Select Rows in a Postgresql array


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I am using the Postgresql and Python database to query it, I have the following modeling:


I’m trying to make an appointment that will return all the OrderItems of a Order in a array, for that I made the following code:

select ARRAY(
    SELECT '(' || translate(string_to_array(x.*::"text", ',')::text, '{()}', '') || ')' 
    from "OrderItem" x
)::"OrderItem"[] AS "_AAA";

What returns me the following result:


In Python I’m using psycopg2 to chat with the bank, and so it returns me a string, as in the result above, not being able to iterate through it to pick up the tuples with the values.

Does anyone have any idea how I can do this query to return an Orderitem array ?

  • Can you share the select you wrote with python? you can try using a Dict-like cursor:

  • The select in python was a test, so it was "SELECT * FROM Nomedaview WHERE "Orderid"=10;". I am using Dict cursor, and returns me a dictionary where the key is "Orderitems" and the value is the result I put there in the post, so it does not do this parse alone.

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