Error 'System.Collections.Generic.Keynotfoundexception' occurred in mscorlib.dll


Viewed 164 times


I created an application in visual studio 2017, I formatted the pc and installed the 2019 version and since then no application I try to connect to the database works.

always appears this error:

 An unhandled exception of type 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

Additional information: A chave fornecida não estava presente no dicionário.

always of the error in this excerpt:

   string cnx = "server=localhost;user=root;password=;database=ERP;";
        MySqlConnection conexao = new MySqlConnection(cnx);
        MessageBox.Show("oi eu estou aberto");
    catch(Exception erro)

I also tried to use in visual studio 2015 and nothing..

1 answer


Problem solved, I was using shaman I do not know what could have gone wrong with it since I never had problems.

I switched to wamp and started working again

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